
In Your Arms Tonight Season 2 characters

Takeru Ashida
Occupation: Photographer
Age: 29
Character: freewheeling and ore-sam
Relation: senpai of a club activities club activities of university student days

Shinichiro Ogiwara
Occupation: Professor of psychology
Age: 37
Character: calm and gentle
Relation: professor of university student days

Shu Mishim
Occupation: Lawyer
Age: 27
Character: gawk and cool
Relation: first love in highschool studen

Fumiatka Nishi
Occupation: Editorial department of the publisher
Age: 35
Character: sadistic and strict
Relation: heroine's charge editor

Kazuya Seto
Occupation: Office worker(the company same as Koichi)
Age: 32
Character: perfectionist,he does not bend oneself
Relation: heroine's husband


  1. IYAT season 2?!?!?! :O :O :O Can't wait till the English version is released because I can't read Japanese T.T

  2. I wish I read Japanese!

  3. Hi, do you mind if I post the pictures and translations on my tumblr? I'll credit you for them:)

  4. wait.. so its a different story and a different mc? why..?
